Tag Archives: Simple Maps

How to configure an area map?

To Configure and Area map, follow the below steps, Step 1: Configure Area Style, by choosing a color for the area’s and transparency level for the color, the lower the value is the more transparent the color becomes. Step 2: Configure Area Border Style by selecting border color and size per pixels. Step 3: To …

How to configure a location map?

To configure location map you can choose between customizing the points style or choosing an icon from Tahaki’s Gallery. To configure the map by customizing points style follow the below steps, Step 1: Configure Point Style by choosing color by choosing color, then set the transparency, the lower the value is the more transparent the …

How to edit my maps?

To edit specific map, go to dashboard as we mention before, then hold the mouse pointer on the map and click on the edit icon.  

How can I import my GPS data into simple maps?

To import your GPS data into simple map, create a simple map then click Select GPS X,Y Locations. Follow same steps of creating Simple map from excel. Step 2: Upload the excel file with GPS extracted data. A sample document available for download. Step 3: In Configure Location Fields, select field name from the dropdown …

How can I turn my excel data into simple maps?

Step 1: To turn your excel data to map, choose simple map and then click on “From Excel”   Step 2: Fill map info and then click “Continue” Step 3: Click Continue. Step 4: A preview of the fields and data will show, click continue. Browse you file and upload. File should contain name and …

What are tahaki Simple Maps

With tahaki Simple Maps, you empower communities with a clear bird’s eye view to see through a complex social situation, and recognize its moral and civic dimensions, allowing you to launch effective grass-root initiatives and impact millions of lives.

How can I create a simple map from scratch?

To create simple map start with signing in. Press sign in located in the header. Use your Tahaki credentials or sign in using your Facebook, Twitter or Gmail. Click on Create A New Map from the header to start the Map Creation Wizard. Start by selecting the data source of your map. There a different …