Tahaki Story Map, a fun and interactive way to tell your story through geography
Story Map is one of the tools provided by tahaki (www.tahaki.com) which enables members to transform information and data into interactive maps and sequential stories.
In the Story map we can create an Independent story that moves between more than one geographical area where we can determine the location, story and an event photo in that region, and create more than one short story on the same map.
Unlike boring narrations, members can use Story Map to tell interesting stories using various kinds of subjects, events, and issues. Moreover, anyone can use Story Map’s simple-to-use tools to transform their stories using the latest technologies.
This idea was well received by everyone who was introduced to it, and especially among the civil society organizations that are always looking for the latest technological tools to reach out to and attract the largest possible audience in support of their cause and campaigns.
The following are examples of Story Maps that are worth viewing:
- European Refugee Camps in the Middle East: https://www.tahaki.com/maps/990
- Yusra Mardini Faces Death in Order to Achieve Her Dream: https://www.tahaki.com/maps/1031