Press Coverage

tahaki social mapping platform featured on SkyNews Arabic

tahaki is working with activists and local NGOs in the middle east and north Africa to build a data hub about social issues to increase awareness and social impact.

The Social Entrepreneurship Partner Ecosystem Map

Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Launched the ‘Social entrepreneur online map’ in partnership with UNESCO, Berytech, Lebanese League for Women in Business, MakeSense, and Tahaki Social Mapping Plaftform.



Animals Lebanon and Tahaki Campaign Featured on OTV

Animals Lebanon launched a new project which aims to map the pet shops, vet clinics, zoos and other facilities and places that are concerned with animals. Animals Lebanon is collaborating with and using Tahaki free crowdsource app. Animals Lebanon is working on identifying animals’ facilities, so that the Ministry of Agriculture can visit them and help them improve animals’ conditions!

Green Southerners Launching the Green Observatory Initiative Featured on New TV

The Green Southerners launched a new initiative to allow the public to report any violations against wild life in Lebanon.