How to configure a location map?

To configure location map you can choose between customizing the points style or choosing an icon from Tahaki’s Gallery.

To configure the map by customizing points style follow the below steps,

Step 1: Configure Point Style by choosing color by choosing color, then set the transparency, the lower the value is the more transparent the color becomes. Finally set the size in pixels.
Step 2: Configure Point Border style by choosing border color and size per pixels.
Step 3: To show label beside each point on the map choose the field from the drop down that has the desired value to be shown.

To Configure the map by choosing based on icon follow the below steps,

Step 1: Select an icon by clicking on one. You can browse more icons by changing the category from the dropdown.
Step 2: Set Icon size in pixels.
Step 3: To show label beside each point on the map choose the field from the drop down that has the desired value to be shown.


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